Data & Identity Services
With an objective to scale up BVN enrollments, the BVN Android SDK ensures unmatched reliability, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency, making it the ideal solution for regulators, Banks, Super Agents, OFIs, and Fintechs, to collaborate effectively towards the collective digital financial inclusion goals.
The future of BVN enrollment – Secured, Fast, and Efficient!
Unique Value proposition
- BVN Android SDK guarantees heightened data security throughout enrollment.
- Supports Android OS streamlines workflow, reducing enrollment times for swift operations.
- Embrace a cost-effective approach with BVN Android SDK.
- BVN Android SDK ensures easy adoption for agents and end-users.
Touch Points
- Web Portal
- Andriod Standard Development Kit (SDK)
- Secured data overview
- Automatic forms updates
- Improved agent mobility
- Offline data capturing and storage capabilities with deferred synchronization.
- Significant hardware size and cost reduction
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the NIBSS BVN Mobile Enrollment Solution?
The NIBSS BVN Mobile Enrollment Solution is an Android Based platform, specially designed to simplify the BVN enrolment process. It allows agents conduct Offline BVN enrolment using only a smartphone, thereby eliminating the need for bulky and expensive hardware.
Who are the users of the BVN Mobile Enrollment Solution?
The users are:
- Financial Institutions / Banks
- Licensed Super agents.
- Registered Agents under the Banks and/or Super-Agents.
- Data Subject /BVN Enrollee.
What are the components of the BVN mobile enrolment solution?
The major components of the BVN mobile enrolment solution are the:
- BVN SDK: This is a Software Development Kit (SDK) that enables Licensed Super-Agents integrate the solution in their Mobile APP, allowing them carry out BVN enrolment. It currently supports only IB Kojak or Dermalog ZF10 fingerprint scanners.
- Admin Web Portal: This web p5ortal that allows Super- Ag6ents mange User management and enrolment activities.
- BVN Mobile Enrolment APP: This is an APP developed by NIBSS to assist Super Agents whose Agents might be able to integrate into an Android APP to conduct enrolment.
What is the role/ functions of the Financial Institutions (Banks) ?
The Financial Institutions play the role of Agent Managers, and their functions are:
- Agent onboarding
- Review and approval of agent enrollments
- Monitoring enrollment activities under their institution via the web portal
- Download, export, and review reports.
Who can access /use the BVN mobile enrollment solution?
Banks, Licensed Super agents, and registered agents.
Banks and Licensed Super agents are responsible for onboarding agents on the web portal, while the registered agents carry out enrollment on the field with the mobile application.
How do I become an Agent on this solution?
Agents are onboarded by the Agent managers of the various Institutions on the platform. Agents cannot register themselves on the web application or mobile application.
What are the requirements from the Banks or Super Agents in profiling an Agent?
The details include name, address, contact details, BVN, and account details of the agent.
How does an agent register a device for the enrolment?
An agent’s device will be registered at the first login by the agent on the mobile application. Then, the Agent Manager- Approver approves or rejects the device.
How do you connect the phone to the biometric scanner?
Agents will require a USB On-The-Go (OTG) adapter to connect the biometric scanner to their android phones. The only compatible biometric scanners are: IB Kojak and Dermalog ZF10.
Is the solution only available on Android devices?
Yes. Currently, the solution is only available on Android devices.
Are there any incentives for BVN enrolment? And how do I get paid as an agent?
Yes, there is an incentive for every enrolment by an agent. Payment is made by NIBSS to an Agent Manger’s institution, who are expected to pay their agents, based on the number of approved enrollments.
Do I need an internet network to log in to the mobile application?
For the first time, a strong internet connection is needed to log into the application. The application can be accessed without the internet for three days, provided that an agent remains logged in.
Where do I get the BVN SDK API (for direct integration) documentation from?
The API documentation can be accessed via the navigation bar, on the left tab, on the web portal.
Can I integrate the BVN SDK app into an existing mobile app/platform environment?
Yes. The BVN SDK can be integrated into an institution’s existing android-based application.
When will enrollment be approved?
An enrolment done can only be approved by the Agent Manager Approver. The data submitted by the Agent will be reviewed by the manager via the web portal. The manager then approves or rejects it. Then, the data will synchronize with the NIBSS database.
After enrollment, when will the Data subject/ BVN enrollee obtain the BVN?
BVN can be obtained 72 hours after enrollment, provided the enrollment data has been synchronized with the NIBSS database.
What are the steps for the BVN enrollment?
- As an agent, after a successful login to the mobile App.
- Click on the Enroll Icon on the bottom left of your screen which leads to the begin capture interface.
- The begin capture interface has the progress bar indicating the processes bar which are Data form, Document upload Image capture, Fingerprint capture and the signature capture.
How can I reset my password as an Agent manager?
The NIBSS’ Web Portal allows all users to reset their password without assistance (self-reset).
- Users would be required to provide the email address associated with their user profile.
- A link to set a new password would be sent to the users email address. Note that the link can only be used once and is valid for a maximum of 30mins after its creation.
- Users are required to click on the link, which will direct user to a browser to change their password.
As an agent can I create other agents?
No. Agents are only created by an Institution Operator (Agent Managers)
What Android versions does the BVN offline enrolment App support?
Android 4.4 upward
How can the SDK be integrated into other Android applications?
Integration is straightforward and well-documented. Developers can follow the provided API documentation on the web portal and sample code to seamlessly integrate the SDK into their Android applications. Our support team is also available to assist with any integration-related queries via [email protected].